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5 Health Benefits of Staying Hydrated

Did you know that the average man should drink about four liters of water per day, and the average woman should drink about three liters of water per day? Most people fall drastically short when it comes to drinking the right amount of water in a day. Yet water is a basic necessity of life, so it’s important to drink a sufficient amount every day.

All aspects of your body depend on water to appropriately work. Without enough water, your organs should work a lot harder, and drying out can affect your wellbeing. If you value your wellbeing, then it is important to know how staying hydrating can benefit your body.

1. Better Temperature Regulation

As humans tend to sweat a lot to cool their bodies down, and doing so requires a lot of water. If you don’t drink sufficient water while you exert yourself, you will not be able to sweat, and you might overheat.  In warmer weather, chronic dehydration may lead to heatstroke, and that condition can be very dangerous.

To avoid heatstroke, it’s a good idea to carry water with you at all times, especially in the summer months and when you’re physically active. Even if you don’t develop heatstroke, a high temperature just isn’t comfortable, and it will prevent you from enjoying your day. If you are feeling a little off on a hot day, then you should seek shade and find some freshwater as soon as possible. Once you’re hydrated, you’ll be able to face the day’s activities with increased energy and a reinvigorated spirit.

2. Weight Loss

Dehydration and hunger feel remarkably similar. Because of this, many people reach for a snack when they should be reaching for a bottle of water. This can lead to a vicious cycle of snacking, which contributes to dehydration and unintentional weight gain. A glass of water 20 to 30 minutes before every meal will help you feel full for a longer period, so you won’t end up craving snacks and other unnecessary calories. Some homes may not have the best tap water, so you should get high-quality filters to ensure that you can drink clean, flavorful water whenever you want.

3. Improved Cardiovascular Health

As you become more and more dehydrated, your blood becomes thicker and thicker. Your heart is a sensitive muscle, and it will have to work very hard to push thicker blood through your veins. This can wear out your heart over time and cause serious damage. Your heart isn’t designed to push a thick paste through your veins, so it’s important to drink enough water so that your cardiovascular system can work at peak efficiency.

4. Stronger Immune System

Even if you don’t notice it, your body is in a constant battle with viruses, bacteria, and other nasty pathogens. Proper hydration allows your white blood cells to enter the fray and defend your body. On top of that, water helps your body clear out dead tissues, waste products, and toxins so that your cells can operate in a safe and sanitary environment.

When you drink enough water every day, you’ll find that you won’t feel sick or tired as often. If you’re sick with an illness that causes diarrhea or vomiting, then it’s especially important to drink a lot of water. Otherwise, these symptoms can quickly make you dehydrated and exacerbate the condition.

5. Increased Energy

When you’re dehydrated, your eyes, mouth, and skin feel dry, and you just want to sit down and do nothing. Often, people feel tired when they just need a glass of water. This is especially true after a meal or snack. If you’re feeling a little drowsy after lunch, then you should drink a glass of water or two. It will reinvigorate your body and give you the energy that you need to tackle the rest of the day.

Drinking enough water is one of the seven pillars of health, and its benefits can’t be overstated. If you think that you’re not properly hydrated, then develop a practical plan to meet the recommended amount every day.