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Ways to rekindle your creative side

As the famous writer Elizabeth Gilbert says “If you are alive, you are creative. We are born with specks of creativity which sometimes we just forget to nurture. It doesn’t matter if you don’t earn a living off of your creativity or see your creativity on billboards or museums. It doesn’t matter if you are not regarded as an “Artist” or if you’ve been told that you don’t have a creative bone in your body. You don’t even have to show things you create with anybody. All you need is to tap into the remarkable magic that comes when you find something you enjoy being creative with. 

As we live in this hard pass of life it is normal to have come uprooted from the creative person you were once however it is important to once in a while brush back and give it a little importance so that you don’t get completely disconnected with it. It can be said creativity most of the time can become seasonal. One season you are at the highest peak of being creative and another season is where even thinking of the trait can give you shudders and you eventually start questioning your abilities.

Naturally, it is not a completely hopeless case if you have not dusted the inner artist in yourself so we are here to give you some tips that might work for you to wake the creative side of yours.


As creative people, we can become so laser-focused on what we are producing ourselves that we forget the benefits of consuming other people’s creative work. Oftentimes when you find yourself in a creative dry spell, and also realize that it’s been ages since you’ve read a good book, watched a great movie, or listened to new music. 

If you are someone who looks at reading books or watching movies as frivolous leisure activities only to be done after you have put in an honest day’s work, this piece of advice may be really tough to implement. But the truth is, these are often the very activities that your mind needs to let your creative river begin to flow. Just as fueling your body properly will allow you to improve your fitness performance, so to feed your creative brain allow it to optimize its creative output.


In today’s over-saturated world, it can be easy to never be bored. The social media and entertainment industries profit and thrive off their ability to keep us engaged at all times. And while the reward-seeking parts of our brain love being constantly stimulated, creativity cannot survive in those conditions. It needs room to breathe. When you overfill your brain with mindless consumption, beyond what it is meant to take in, you begin to lose yourself. It is far too easy to use things like social media or a busy schedule to escape uncomfortable feelings or experiences. But you need to fully feel your feelings to create art that will resonate with someone else’s experience. You need to truly experience life to be able to write about it. Truly good art reflects a well-lived life.


As a fact, there are billions of ways to be creative. And it is important to have come to learn that it is not necessary to be great at something to do it. Nor does it need to become a side hustle or a new passion project. It can simply be creative for creativity’s sake. A lot of the time we come to find that when we allow ourselves to explore these new avenues of creativity with no expectations, other than having fun, the inspiration for anything comes flooding back