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Why you should Start Journaling

There are many reasons why we journal. From travel journals, dream journals, gratitude journals to prayer journals, we keep specific journals for different aspects of our life. Previously, many individuals kept personal diaries, where they recorded day-to-day occurrences and their observations. Without diarists like Anne Frank and Samuel Pepys, we wouldn’t know much about the personal side of our history. Although people these days keep Vlogs or blogs and record their lives via social media, very few of us jot in a journal and write down our experiences. So why not give it a try?

1. Keep your thoughts organized.

 Diaries help us organize our thoughts and make them more understandable. You can record every day’s occasions, thoughts, and feelings about certain experiences or opinions. 

2. Improve your writing & Inspire creativity.

Keeping a journal can help you improve your writing. Assuming you need to brush up or enhance your writing skills, the best thing to do is to begin a diary. You might not have the ideal topic. All you need to do is simply begin writing down your thoughts in Journey. The more you write, the more your writing improves. 

Writing a journal is an incredible way to release your creativity. Everyone has the potential to be creative, just that most of us haven’t discovered it yet. Your diary is the best spot to begin exploring your inner creativity. Record anything that strikes a chord. Allow your mind to go crazy and record it. 

3. Set & achieve your goals.

A diary is a good place to write down your objectives, desires, goals, and new goals. By keeping them in a journal, you can track your progress and feel motivated to keep working toward your next goal!

4. Record ideas on the go.

The benefit of keeping a diary is that you can record all of your thoughts in one place, at any time, and from any location. At whatever point a thought rings a bell, you can record it in your diary. You can then revisit these ideas, later on, to look for new links, form conclusions, or even get a fresh idea!

5. Relieve stress.

Writing down your feelings helps you to “brain dump” your anxieties, frustrations, and pain in a diary. This can assist you with reducing and delivering any pressure that you have gathered over time. A good method to relieve the pressure is to write in the stream of consciousness style first thing in the morning, called “Morning Pages”.  In general, putting yourself out there in a journal is a decent way to let go of any strain that keeps you from feeling happy. 

6. Allow yourself to self-reflect.

As Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”. Our fast-paced lives can turn out to be significantly more rushed as we begin shouldering greater responsibilities, causing us to feel pressure as others place high expectations on us. This results in us getting frenzied as we are easily caught up with the day-to-day.

Journaling is a good method to help us stop, take a step back and reflect on ourselves.  We can self-reflect on gratitude or what we did today and write it in our diary. Day-to-day reflection can also be done before bedtime. We can look back at our life in a journal and think about how we’ve changed and what we can do to improve ourselves.

7. Boost your memory.

Your brain is probably going to store the data that you have recorded in your journal. Your brain will make more grounded associations with the data you have learned after you record it in a journal, making it simpler for you to remember them in the future as well!