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Last Minute Surprise Ideas for Mother’s Day

So you have already woken up to insta stories and whatsapp statuses of your friends glorifying their mothers for Mothers day. It’s a Sunday and a lockdown and you have zero clues as to what to present your mommy dearest for her special day! Before you spiral down into a full blown existential crisis, we are here to help you out with a quick list of “make from home” surprises that you can do for your mom. 

Breakfast In Bed 

Yep you heard that right. Here’s a woman who has toiled her entire life to cook your every whim and fancy recipe even if she has had a long day. Be a lamb and take control of the cooking department for the whole day. After all if she treats you like a princess, she deserves the treatment fit for a queen!

Create Home Videos

Let’s face it; You have probably hid your face in embarrassment when your mum brought up some of your not-fit-for-public diaper stories. But in her eyes, you are still the cute little baby she first held in the arms and she refuses to see you otherwise. An ideal gift for her would be a collection of videos of you and her together from your toddler days to the present

Reconnect with her Bestie 

Can you imagine your life without your gang? Impossible right? Why should it be any different for her? Trace down her long lost best friends and create an opportunity for them to meet and reconnect virtually.You might get access to some teen stories of your mum that you can later tease her about! 

Make a Portrait

If you have a talent for making portrait, sketch a candid of you and your mum together and present itto her. Her face will light up like Christmas lights! 

Rope Your Friends In

You must be lying if you think your gang has any boundaries in your house. They have almost forgotten the concept of “your mother” and treat her like their own. Truth be told, your mum would feel the same way too! A sweet surprise would be to request them to make a video wishing your mum on mothers day and playing the video collection for her

Complete her long term Dream 

And by that we don’t mean get married! That’s your decision.However, most mothers compromise on a lot of their interests post marriage. If your mum had a hobby or dream that she wanted to pursue but had to drop due to her wedding, take the matter into your own hands and take the first step towards pushing her towards it! Fill in that college application or sign up for that class!

The lockdown can restrict us physically but noone can put a barricade on unconditional love! So what if you didn’t get to take your mum to her favourite restaurant? Reciprocate her love in the simplest of ways and she will turn into the happiest human on Earth!