Take Care International Foundation

Mastering the craft of sculpturing!!!

“The aim of art is not to represent the external aspects of things but its internal conspicuous”

In today’s world, there are only a few sculptures and pencil artists and that too women. Most of us find it difficult to draw something creative, aesthetic and meaningful on a blank sheet of paper, and doing sculpture work is another form of that involves art of developing and representing natural or imagined form that can be viewed from any direction.

Manon Mani from Ramapuram is a Pencil artist and has been into making Sculptures for 4 years with the help of her husband. They together run a Business called ART MASTER UNIT

Manon Mani's journey on how she became a sculptor and a pencil artist:

She was inspired by her father who was also a Sculptor. Mani completed her degree on the same and continued working with her father after which Mani got married, which ended up in increasing her support system as her mother in law was also a sculptor. She also got support from her husband and together they took over the business.

Manon Mani has worked on a lot of sculpture types such as metalwork, Clay work, Portrait – fibre casting, libirthdayer, Thanjavur wall panel, Kathakali panel and more. Some of her artistic works are also statues of Gods for which she gets orders from temples.

She uses Instagram as social media platform to make the public aware of her business and also get few orders occasionally from Instagram. Mani’s friends also share her work through which she also gains new customers.

The best business strategy is when customers are satisfied!

ART MASTER a UNIT gets a positive response from the customers. Customers are satisfied with what they have ordered and purchased. Prices depend on the material cost which is cost-effective.

The challenges:

Covid has affected ART MASTER UNIT in a lot of ways directly or indirectly. Orders are nearly stagnant. The orders are only being placed during any occasions of birthday party so they get only one or two orders due to which the business has significantly sloped down. On rare episodes of climate change the sculptures are prone to getting damaged. She also struggles with transportation if the orders are big for delivery which makes the delivery process harder than it is  

But Manon Mani overcomes all her obstacles and putts in a lot of hard work to take the ART MASTER UNIT to next level with her unique designs.

Why the name ART MASTER UNIT?

“Manon Mani says all the art pieces and handicrafts are made by hand and with mastery  so it was named ART MASTER UNIT”

Manon Mani aims to start a company and she has been trying for it for about two years now with the hopes of her hard work not letting her down and eventually helping her in achieving her goals.

Contact Us

Tamil Nadu
Opening Hours:

Mon – Sat: 9:00 am – 7:00 pm

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