Site icon Take Care International Foundation


“Dreams are like stars you may not be able to touch them but if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny”

Space Kidz India provides young aspirants with the opportunity to aspire to the stars. Young Scientist India is an invention competition aimed at raising scientific awareness among high school students, deepening their grasp of natural sciences, and attracting scientists to pursue a career in science. 

By participating in this YSI competition, one is not only challenging themselves, earning new knowledge, but will also be rewarded for their hard work and creativity. The winners can stand a chance to win about over half a million rupees in prizes, the ones with the finest idea for young innovators/entrepreneurs in five categories that collectively reflect the solution types required to develop an economy that works for everyone in the digital age.

The competition is split into five categories.

  • Agriculture
  • App Development
  • Electronics
  • Robotics and
  • Space Sciences. 

Eligibility: 8th–12th grades.

Students from all over India are eligible to participate.

The innovative, unique, clear, and comprehensive ideas, industry or humanities problems, feasibility, development planning, and implementation of the competitors will be judged.

Experts in design and technology, as well as carefully selected academics with knowledge in numerous challenge themes will assess the Challenge.

For more information, check out the official website and get more detail,